Palterton Primary School

Parental Information - SEND

We are an inclusive organisation, and we believe that every child and their family matter. The inclusion of children identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) in our school community is integral to the diversity and richness of school. We believe that all children will achieve their full potential and foster a life-long love of learning.  We seek solutions to all barriers to learning for all our pupils and support all our families and pupils in the best way we can.

Our Named contact for Special Educational Needs

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Ros Horsley    

 You are welcome to make an appointment to speak with Mrs Horsley about any concerns that you may have about your child's needs at any time. Please contact Mrs Whittaker in the school office to arrange an appointment. Mrs Whittaker can be contacted either by phoning the number at the bottom of this page, using the contact form on this site, or by calling into school in person.

Derbyshire County Council Local Offer


The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them. Our SENCo liaises closely with service providers in Derbyshire, and is a point of contact. Parents and young people can use this link to find information about services and advice on how to access them directly.

Click here, or on the image to the right to access the service.

Back Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 6UN