Palterton Primary School

We understand the need to provide good quality before and after school childcare. We believe that our clubs offer a good service and are reasonably priced.

Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club runs from 7:50 until the start of the school day. We ask for last entry to be before 8:10. Families can book their children on for a fortnight in advance. The current cost for breakfast club is £3.50 a day. The children choose from toast, cereal, brioche and have a drink. We promote independence by encouraging the children to pour their own milk on the cereal and practise buttering their own toast.

After they have eaten the children have a range of activities to choose from, these can be indoor and outdoor. The children usually choose to complete some arts and crafts, play a card or board game, read a book, play on the climbing frame or play ball games but the staff adapt the activities in response to the group they have.


After School Clubs

We have an after school club each night which runs until 5pm. Families book their children on a term in advance. The current cost is £5 a day.

We vary the clubs each term but a typical selection would be:


Monday - Film - the children watch a film together with popcorn for that extra movie night experience!

Tuesday - Arts & Crafts - the children have a variety of art or craft activities over the term and leave with their masterpieces.

Wednesday - Multi- sports - the children keep active with a range of games and sports.

Thursday - Bits & Bobs - the children choose the activities from one week to the next, it has ranged from knitting to Lego modelling in the past!

Friday - Football - the children have a chance to develop their skills as well as some small sided games.

Back Lane, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S44 6UN